Monday, November 2, 2009

Chestnuts are only good for eating.

I just tried to go running. Apparently it wasn't in the cards for me to do so because, not a block away from my house, I stepped on a chestnut. Chestnuts are super hard and therefore do not crunch under your feet but instead make you fall down. So there I was just finding my running rhythm when "Oh SHIT" I fall down. I even rolled a little bit in true Leah fashion. I never try to catch myself when I fall because I have a theory that you are more likely to suffer serious injury by trying to catch yourself. Maybe break and arm or a wrist. Not me, I've never broken anything and I'm positive its because I've mastered the roll. Anyway... so that was really embarrassing because I was completely out in the open with lots of cars driving by and people walking. Luckily my ankle is fine, and I didn't have to go running. I just walked home and tried not to look people in the eye.

Last night I went to see "This Is It" the MJ movie. It was amazing. Go see it. Not only do you get to see behind the scenes of a concert in the making, but you get to see Michael Jackson in a very natural setting. You get to see that he is... was a real person. Plus, the songs were great.

I've just discovered a British show that is pretty hilarious. Its called Peep Show. Look it up.

Love Leah

1 comment:

  1. LOL at the falling/rolling. you're such a weirdo
