Saturday, October 3, 2009


Well hello there time for an update,

So I've been to both schools now, and the first one (which is rural) was pretty easy going with easy kids. The second one is mostly minorities in the ghetto part of town and of course the first question a kid asked me was, "What does son of a bitch mean?" I of course responded with "Something bad." But they were just as curious and excited as the other kids were and of course as I am.
Today we had our assistant de langue orientation and for those of you who know me, you know that I hate these kinds of things because probably my hugest pet peeve is open forums with morons. I hate people that ask personal questions and I hate people who ask the same question someone else just asked because they weren't listening. We were in a large classroom because there are a lot of english speaking assistants. This includes British, Australian, Canadian and even a Trinidadian. Of course the most obnoxious girl in the group was american and well she was just so angry at the way the French run things. She asked a question every 5 seconds and even yelled at the lady giving a presentation for not knowing enough. Sit down and shut the fuck up you are not that important. Anyway, the bright side of this is that I got to broadcast tomorrow nights House-warming party to lots of people and I hope they show up.

Also any of you who really know me also know how much I love Bohemian Rhapsody... and now the French know it too, because I sang it karaoke style. That one is for you Sarah.

Love Leah

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