Wednesday, February 2, 2011

If Winter comes can Spring be far behind?

These pictures were taken on Sunday January 30th. The most beautiful day, I think, that has ever existed in January. It was 77 degrees and the sky was speckled with just a few puffy clouds to provide a smidge of relief from...yes... the heat. In January. I post these pictures in remembrance because it is now around freezing and the threat of rain/sleet is imminent.

This post of happy thoughts is dedicated to the nice old man in the Wal Mart who let me cut in front of him. I only had two things and he was stocking up for World War 3, so he was nice enough to let me go first. God speed my friend.
Happy thought 1- Even though it is disgustingly cold and windy right now, it is not snowing and it will be warm again soon. I have evidence... a slight tan from my long Sunday bike ride.

Happy Thought 2- My parents are coming to visit in two and a half weeks and I couldn't be more excited. I miss them and I'm pretty sure they miss me. It's even cooler because we are going, as a family, to see Grace Potter and the Nocturnals at La Zona Rosa. I was boycotting this venue but have lifted it for this special occasion.

Happy Thought 3- I know how to read. It's something I think most Americans take for granted, especially this generation. But reading is amazing. You can learn so many things; consider so many ideas that you might have never otherwise considered. There's not really an excuse to be uneducated if you can read. I suggest reading The Prophet by Kahlil Gibran. It's short and beautifully written and truly insightful. Right now I'm reading Oil! by Upton Sinclair.

Happy Thought 4- I get off work at 5 now which means I can go to spin class. My mother knows why this is exciting.

Happy Thought 5- Life is good to me and she's good to you too, as long as you put on the right glasses. It's all about perspective, people. You can sit around and think about how shitty your life is right now, or you can think about how much better it was at one point and therefore can be again. Life is not a downward spiral or an upward one for that matter, it's a rollercoaster. It's a majestic range of mountains with awe-inspiring peaks yet intimate knowledge hidden in its valleys. Be strong enough to climb back to the top after you've slid to rock bottom.

Love Leah

Hot damn I love this City

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