Tuesday, December 1, 2009

Allah Akbah

Get this,

Switzerland just passed a referendum banning the construction of minarets, which are basically muslim steeples. Just the colorful top of a church. I want to know how you can justify this without talking about racism or hitler? Whats so wrong with the swiss muslims building mosques you ask? Well the minarets are a symbol of political power. Ok.... so does that mean the Vatican is not ok, because god knows that is a symbol of political power. Someone might say to that, "Well, the christians dont't go around killing people who are different." Go open a history book, you idiot. That is basically the entire christian legacy. Sure they suffered for about 500 years but boy did they return the favor. The christians had the 1st century, the jews had the holocaust... why dont people realize that this is heading in that direction. In a tolerant country, with a democracy, you cannot ban someone from practicing their religion unless you ban everyone from practicing their religion. Its discriminatory. And when people feel discriminated against... well thats when you have real problems.Come on Switzerland, I thought you were supposed to be the sane people?


BBC News Article

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