Friday, April 8, 2011

So... really?

Hello all,

I know its been awhile but I was just waiting for something crazy to happen so I could get riled up enough to write. Well, thank you Capitol Hill you've done it again. You know, they're right, it makes perfect sense to shutdown the non essential government and pay the workers to do nothing because of disagreements over CUTTING FEDERAL SPENDING.  Just perfect, clear as day, sense. I feel like I'm in Frane all over again. I know I didn't go to Harvard or Yale, like most of the people running the country, but even I, with my lowly state school education, can see that this is very stupid. Especially since it all hinges on a social issue... and a few other things I'm sure. I know my family and friends think I'm a die hard liberal but I'm not. I'm usually pretty impartial because lets face it neither side is all that awesome. I'm mentioning this because I want to be taken seriously. I don't want to be written off as the crazy Austin hippie who hates Republicans. That being said... WHAT THE FUCK republicans? How can you say that you are unsatisfied with the deficit and the proposed budget cuts because they aren't enough, and then cause the inefficiency that you're preaching against? Democrats are willing to make at least a small effort why aren't you? It doesn't make any sense. I'm baffled. How does it get to this point?

I mean what are we really talking about here. Republicans want to cut funding for Planned Parenthood because they provide (privately funded) abortions. Abortions are NOT federally funded, there's a law against that already. So what's the end game here? If you want to ban abortions, overturn Roe v Wade. Or maybe this is just a petty way to prove a point against social welfare programs. Are you really going to cut funding to an institution that provides birth control to a population that needs it most? If so, are you prepared to provide welfare to those children who's families live below the poverty line? I've done the math... birth control is cheaper. F.Y.I

I don't care which side of the abortion coin you are on. Anti, Pro I don't give a shit. You have a right to your opinion. But we've voted on this issue it's done. Right now abortions are legal. Deal with it. Planned Parenthood provides other vital services to women. Without it, many women would not be able to afford STD testing and thats not good for anyone. What about education and prevention? I mean, some girls think that you can't get pregnant when you're breastfeeding. (Sorry to burst your bubble.) What about general gynecological healthcare. It would be really terrible if cervical cancer numbers went up because girls couldn't afford to get PAP smears. To be quite honest, I'm not sure how I feel about abortion. I hope I'm never in a position to have to make a decision like that. I do, however, know how I feel about preventative education. It is great. We should be teaching sex ed. We should  be psychologically preparing people for the decisions they are going to face BEFORE they face them. Maybe if people knew how not to get pregnant they wouldn't need to get abortions. Planned Parenthood provides those things. But I guess that makes too much sense.

You're probably asking yourself "Man, Leah what a rant. I thought this post was about the government shut down. What does that have to do with abortion?"

Fucking exactly. I bid you good day.


PS A friend from the Ivory Coast says Ouattara is the thug and the bully and that Gbagbo should remain in power. Stick that in your pipe and smoke it American Media.