So when we first arrived in Prague we put our stuff down in our hostel, which was cozy and had free coffee. Then we left to briefly explore our surroundings. Seeing as Mathieu chose a great hostel right in the middle of town this is one of the things we saw first. It is St. James Cathedral. Does it not look like it could be the castle in Sleeping Beauty? I think so. Anyway it was neat because you have this gothic building jutting up from these low renaissance buildings like a mountain next to hills. Which is a really good example of Prague architecture in general. Its a giant hodge podge of different styles and different eras all mixed together in one city. Ok next slide....
There were four of us that went to visit a friend. It was Raina, Alex, Mathieu and I going to visit Maxime, an Orléanais who is "studying" in Prague for the semester. I put studying in quotations because you don't study in Prague... you drink.
Here we are at Charles Bridge the oldest bridge in Prague and also the only bridge up until the late 1800's. Imagine that. Prague really isn't that big we walked everywhere and basically saw everything.
Here is some really horrible english that we saw standing outside of one of the many parties Maxime took us to. I guess instead of having class they have parties...until 6 in the morning. But thats cool
So here is a typical Czech meal. Pork and saurkraut...and lots of it. Oh yeah and potato dumplings. I'm not going to say Czech republic is the culinary center of the world, but their sausage is damn good. And look how they made it look.
Also an important thing to note is that the beer is not only cheap, but it's cheaper than water. So thats what you drink and there are only two kinds. Light beer and dark beer. Surprisingly the people of Prague aren't the obnoxious drunkards, its the foreigners.
Here is a traditional czech dessert. Its just fried bread and sugar. I'm positive that every culture has its own version of fried bread and sugar...doughnuts, sopapillas, beignets etc.
Ok well I'm tired of writing captions. But I should just tell you that it is really worth going to Prague. There is so much to visit. I spent an entire afternoon visiting a series of Jewish museums because Prague has the oldest Jewish cemetery in Europe... and you all know how much I love to visit cemeteries. The architecture there is like brain overload because everywhere you look there's tons of little details to look at. What I heard was that even though they were invaded by Germany Hitler decided not to destroy it so it still has a shitload of stuff to look at. Also think about this. We went out to a restaurant every afternoon and evening, we went to see museums and tours and we stayed in a Hostel... in all I spent 200 euros. That's all. Terminé Bon soir!
Love Leah