Monday, January 25, 2010

Angel Whispers

I believe in Karma now more than ever. People are being so patient with me right now and I can't really seem to figure out why. The only way I can explain it is that normally I'm the one who is patient... so the world is rewarding me. Awesome, I'm really lucky that people will put up with me sometimes. Anyway. The gala is approaching and I'm kind of nervous about it. The gala is like a graduation ceremony for the engineering school and most of my friends are in the engineering school... when I say most of I mean all. And I'm singing at it which is cool and I'm not really nervous about singing but I don't really know whats going on and I don't like that. I don't know what we are going to do on stage, I don't know what order the songs are in, I just feel unprepared and that makes me nervous. I bought a really pretty dress though so at least I'll look good ;) And since Polytech is mostly dudes I guess it really doesn't matter what I do or how I sing haha I'm wearing a dress. So i'm excited.

I got the best birthday present. A my little pony!!! Sarah is awesome. She also sent me my favorite type of scented candle called Angel Whispers... who names a candle Angel Whispers? 

Anyway tout va bien and its sunny today so thats good

Love Leah

Monday, January 18, 2010

Flowin Like A River

So even though I'm tired... I don't want to go to sleep. I'm not really sure why, so I guess I'll just write in here, even though everyone knows nothing good comes from talking (or writing) late at night. Lately I've been thinking about the future. Its time to start making some decisions or at least start setting myself up to make decisions. For instance, whether or not I want to come back to France I still have to find a job here and at home so that way, no matter what decision I make I will have something waiting for me. This means I need to make a to do list.
1. Finish online teacher training
2. Register for the last two tests that I have to take, Oral French and Pedagogy
3. Finish my CV in French and send to every university in France
4. Check and see what one must do to have a permanent job in France
5. Apply  for teaching positions in Austin

I'm sure there is more but I really need to get on this shit or else when I get home I will have no prospects. It was nice being here for awhile and not thinking about anything except what I'm doing right now. I think one day it will be kind of cool knowing that I can have a stable job for awhile. Of course I say that but I'm sure after a year at any given job I'll be itching to move. You never know though. I think this is about to turn into a random stream of consciousness post. I bought a dress for the gala.. I hate shopping, mostly because I hate trying things on. Its funny  because I feel like the average girl is shaped like me but the fashion world doesn't want to accept that they would sell more clothes if they were made for curvy people. I've been really sensitive lately and god knows that shopping for clothes doesn't make me feel any more confident.. although at least I wasn't bathing suit shopping.  Can't wait for that to happen. Psyche. Hmm what else. Oh yes, If you ask someone for advice... either take it or don't. The end. I like it when people notice how I'm feeling without having to ask. That saves me the trouble and embarrassment of telling them, it also means they are sensitive and thus we have something in common. I like it when people tell me things they don't normally tell other people because it makes me feel special. haha. I have no idea what I am writing right now. I'm not drunk I swear. I recently read a really good book called The Mysterious Case of the Dog in the Nighttime. Its written as if its told by a boy with mild autism and I really enjoyed it because it really lets you in and lets you understand what the train of thought is for someone with Asperger's syndrome ( I tutored a kid with Asperger's) The book is endearing and funny and kind of a quick read. I recommend it.

Alright maybe I should give it a rest,
Goodnight all... well for some of you good evening enjoy your din din ;)
Love Leah

Friday, January 8, 2010

In The Middle

Just have to add something,

I was watching Larry King Live this morning. Can I just say that nothing pisses me off more than republicans and democrats who fight instead of debate. When I hear someone say "Oh please, you think that Bush would have done that yeah right" on national television it makes me crazy. Not only are you people making it ok to not think before you are speaking, you are making it ok to disagree with someone just because they are the opposite side. These people have been talking for about 10 min and have not said anything but "remember what Bush did or remember what Clinton did or Obama is an idiot." All they are doing is saying negative things about the other side instead of saying anything constructive. Isn't this what the Taliban wants? For us to hate each other and eventually ruin the country ourselves? I mean its less work for them... I've said it before and I'll say it again. We will NEVER EVER EVER be able to change anything unless we swallow our bi partisan pride and work together. Both sides have good ideas and both sides have very bad ideas. But if the American people could just learn to accept that sometimes their party is wrong and that it is important to listen to the other side we would be much better off.

Love Leah

PS If you go on National Television for a debate, please learn to debate first because its  not who shouts loudest that wins. In case you were wondering.

Je Suis Chanteuse

Its still snowing.... AND to top it all off the Longhorns are playing as I type these words and I have no idea what the score is. Oh well, tant pis. I got another singing gig... not like I'm getting paid but its just for fun again. Same deal sort of, with friends. Except for this one, its at a gala... I know snazzy right. I'm singing at a gala. Its also cool  because most of the french people I know are in the engineering school and its their gala so everyone I know will be there. Tight. It could be cool. I'm singing with two different groups, one is more of a funk type deal (I'm down) and the other is just random songs in English and there is another girl singing too. We'll see.
I have the morning off YAY!!!!!!!
Love Leah

Ps Mom, we are singing I gotta Feeling. It makes me think of you :)

Sunday, January 3, 2010

Paris, Je t'aimes

Yesterday I spent the best day in Paris! Raina and Kyle and I decided to go to Paris for the day because, well we were tired of being in Orléans and we've all had really weird weeks. So we thought a little day trip and some drinks would do the trick. It did.

First the train was packed and people were we sat in the luggage room. I'm not sure why no one else was, but whatever.

The only thing we had on our agenda was starbucks and we decided to figure it out from there. We took the scary RER to the Montparnasse tower because Raina said it was really cool. As soon as we stepped off the RER we found the starbucks so that was cool. There was a huge  line to go up to the Montparnasse tower so we decided to go to the restaurant and grab a drink instead of waiting in line and paying 10 euros.  The view was incredible and the restaurant was really classy. I think the view is so good because you don't have to look at the Tour Montparnasse...because its kind of ugly haha. 

Along the way, we picked up a lonely british woman who followed us around, she was nice and apparently, she's a writer. You could kind of tell when she talked because she said really random things but they were at least imaginative. Anyway, so that was cool, making a new friend. Then we decided to wander around a little bit, ya know Notre Dame, Saint Michel, (we attempted the catacombs but they were closed) Then we needed a drink. So Raina pulled out her trusty tourist guide and found a sangria bar in the student district with 3 dollar sangria. We hiked it to the bar and finally found it. The british girl invited her french friend Bertrand. It was really weird because we all thought he was british for a long time because his accent was impeccable. Well at least to us Americans. He was really cool and gave us his card so we could stay with him next time. He has done loads of cool stuff in his life and I hope we get to hang out with him again. He was telling us about this other cool bar so he walked us to it and as it turns out I had been there before 3 years ago....weird! Its times like that you know you are in the right place doing the right thing. Anyway that bar happened to be closed for the holidays so we went next door and it was packed full of students. We got some beers, Kyle made new friends and then had to leave to get a kebab before our train. We searched for like 10 min and we saw nothing. Then suddenly we turned a corner and it was like kebab mecca. So we ate delicious kebab and headed back to the train station.

We hopped on our train at 11:40 and started our journey back to good ole Orléans. Here is Kyle with a bag of beer hanging out of the train haha. The train ride was pretty funny though because there was one other girl in our car and she probably hated her life because we were really loud and obnoxious, stereotypical Americans. Oh well we finally made it back to Orléans and we all stumbled home. Needless to say it was a really awesome trip. Try not to judge me :)
Love Leah

Friday, January 1, 2010


Its funny how communication works. I was talking to a friend, who is french, about being a translator. I said some people can perfectly translate words but that is useless if they don't know the culture. For example, the word for suburb in french is banlieue. But for an American when you say suburb they think of pretty white house all in a row with lawns and happiness. When you say banlieue to a french person (this is the exact translation) they think of the ghetto because in France the poorer socio-economic level lives outside of the city center which is the opposite of the states. So even though the word translates the meaning is different.

I think for my New Year's resolution I will be more careful about how I communicate with others.

Bonne Année
Love Leah