I am eating entirely too much bread, and too many carrots, and drinking too much wine. The problem is all of those things are not only very cheap, but also tasty. In the breads case, very tasty. But lucky for me I was paired with one of the most lovely teachers ever and she bought me a mango and some pancake mix (American Recipe). They still tasted like crèpes though and I didn't have any maple syrup. They were freaking delicious. So that was a little change of pace. Also she pumped me full of chocolate before I left her house. On top of all that they are taking me out to dinner on Friday night so I can experience a nice french dinner out. She used to be an assistant, so I guess she knows what its like to be limited on funds. I lost a lot of weight here initially because I don't eat when I'm nervous but now that I've settled in and realized that there is a
boulangerie literally downstairs... I've been eating my fair share of
baguettes and butter. Mmm. Oh well you only live once.
The story of the turnips...
Simone (my teacher) and I went to Carrefour (the grocery store) to get a turnip. Apparently in England they don't have pumpkins, so for halloween they hollow out turnips and use them as lanterns while they trick or treat. Sure whatever, so we go. We were walking through the canned food aisle when all of the sudden, we see a man and a woman (mentally challenged) screaming at another woman (mentally challenged and possibly homeless). The man slapped the homeless mentally challenged woman in the face while the other woman screamed "Don't do that Don't do that you B*tch!!!!" (in french of course) I have no idea what she did but she just stood there with this blank look on her face like she didn't know someone was slapping her and calling her a b*tch. It was really weird... so I just kept my eyes on the peas and carrots until they left.
I also had to call the police on my next door neighbors for suspected domestic violence. His reply to the police... "Well, my neighbors had a party and I didn't call the police." Yeah, a party and hearing a woman scream "Stop hitting me" and furniture being thrown aren't really the same thing. Needless to say, I haven't heard any screaming since. I did my female duty. But most of our neighbors that we mention the story to, seem really angry that we did that. They thought we called because they were being too loud, which made them mad because apparently we're always too loud Oops. But I don't give a crap if you throw a party or play music. I would never call the cops because of that... but I can't in my right mind let a man think he can get away with doing stupid crap like that. All the frenchies said that its really American what I did. Maybe it is... and maybe I don't care.
the intervening American